Hey lovely one


A bespoke series over 3 months to help your business dreams thrive (not just survive).   

Here is what I want you to know…

++ You can show up in the world as YOU - with your passion, your talent and your own kind of magic - completely and fully ++

++ It is possible to create a business that not only meets your needs, but sustains you as the passionate human being you are ++

++ You can blend passion with profit, creativity with sustainability and head with heart ++


++ Business Owners (service based or e-commerce) who want to look at all parts of their business in a safe and supportive way ++

++ Those who who are growing a young business and need holistic guidance from someone who has been in the game a long time ++

++ Those who know that life and business are always going to be intertwined and needs to be nurtured holistically, rather than as two separate components of a fulfilling life ++

We are made for each other if

++ You are a heart-centered, warm, giving and optimistic entrepreneur/business owner/founder/creative/coach/leader who is ready to take the next amazing steps in your business ++

++ You want more freedom, more sales, more concrete plans, more exposure, and yes, more money ++

++ You want to feel truly and confidently supported and inspired ++

++ You are ready to dive into committed, inspired and focused action ++

++ You are totally beyond any excuses about being afraid to be seen or achieving success. You’re MORE than ready to be seen and achieve success! ++

++ You want to get over fears of putting yourself ‘out there’ and know that within you lies a speaker, a teacher, and a communicator to the world ++

++ You don’t want to look at the stage anymore. You want to be on it ++

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My coaching is about empowering women across the globe in business in a sustainable and practical way.

Everything I have created is about supporting you to take action.

Instead of trying to create fancy systems, funnels and content that overwhelms you and your audience, I am focused on giving you real advice, from someone who has been in the game over the last two decades and ain’t leaving anytime soon.

 These resources don't *just* cover the practicalities of running a biz, they consider YOU too.

When you are your biz, it makes sense to look after you, boo.



Here is a quick snapshot of my credentials:

I currently run a multi-million dollar e-commerce and B2B brand with my partner

I founded and ran a 6-figure event agency and coaching service for entrepreneurs globally

I am a certified Life Coach and have been a trainer for the Beautiful You Life Coaching Academy since 2015

I have been a business coach for over a decade, helping hundreds and hundreds of clients scale their businesses, win awards, gain recognition and PR, sell out programs, events and offers and so much more!

And I have done this all with two children, no start up capital or funding, just bootstrapping and learning things the hard way (!) all the way

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  • Jade is an exceptional business strategist who immediately understood my business and me. She held a vision for me that I had not even dared to dream. I had worked with a coach before, but what I didn't expect was such a hands on personal approach together with a bundle of resources to support the sessions. Through being coached by Jade in my business, I also learnt how to be a better coach myself.

    After coaching with Jade I have come away with some fabulous ideas about expansion in my business, some that I had never thought of. I found the confidence to increase my fees, to ask for the ultimate speaking gig and up my coaching game. Working with Jade empowered me to go out and ask for what I wanted. By the end of the series I had been given a prime speaking gig within my industry and started developing a high end mastermind, two services I hadn't even thought of incorporating into my business.

    With Jade's support and encouragement I met all the goals we set at the start of the series without overwhelm or stress. I would describe my coaching experience with Jade as inspiring, confidence building and empowering.

  • When I first connected with Jade I was struggling to get started and prioritise everything that I needed to do to start my business. As I was extremely time poor and tired with a newborn, I wanted clear direction and knowledge as to what I needed to get done and how to make the best impact (whilst being resourceful!). I was starting my business from scratch, still building a website, branding, social media was still in its infancy etc. So I wanted to learn how to attract clients and how to build a solid and organic mailing list with wonderful people who genuinely wanted to hear what I had to say!

    I decided to say “yes!” to caching with Jade because when we made contact I instantly knew that it was the right time to get moving and I had the motivation and drive to get going. I had never worked with a business coach before, but I knew you were going to deliver on everything Ineeded, and had no doubt from the beginning that it was going to be a successful partnership. Going into our first session together I felt excited and driven and by the end I felt FABULOUS, supermotivated and confident.

    Coaching with Jade has given me the confidence to run a successful business. I know now that I can easily run my own life coaching and wellness business and that it can be successful beyond my wildest dreams. It has given me more vision and determination. I would describe my coaching experience with Jade as inspirational, fun and successful as we achieved exactly what we set out to do… and more!

    I want to say avery big thank-you for the amazing coaching and guidance you have given me. I feel completely confident in my abilities and building my wellness business over the next 12 months. I love your no-fluff attitude and straightdown-the-line advice which suites me to a tee. Looking forward to working with you again.

  • When I first connected with Jade I was trying to figure out my business and where my strengths come into play.

    Being a multi-passionate person, I seemed to want to include all my knowledge into one business and hence the splintered focus. I wanted to have better focus and truly bring value to my future clients.

    I decided to work with Jade because I knew I needed a business mentor.

    Even though I could try and figure it out on my own, having some hand holding and guidance would make big leaps in my business for me. I wanted to tap into Jade's wealth of experience and also her insights.

    Truthfully, I was nervous going into our first session together. I wasn't sure if I will say the 'right’ things, but Jade was fantastic. She put me at ease and I felt like I was talking to a friend.

    She created a safe space for me to share my hopes and aspirations, but also my fears. There was no judgement, but just love and support.

    Coaching with Jade has given me CONFIDENCE!!! As she cheered me on through my journey, I felt my confidence grew.

    I was taking steps toward my dreams instead of just thinking about it. I was doing it and no longer an armchair entrepreneur.

    Being accountable to someone definitely got me committed to my goals and really start executing my actions. I would describe my coaching experience with Jade as supported, committed and motivating.

  • When I first connected with Jade I knew I wanted to branch out and start my own business but I was quite confused on how that would look.

    I'd returned to work after maternity leave and after having time out from work, for the first time in my career, my creativity had been in overdrive and I knew that my old job wasn't for me anymore.

    I read an article on Jade and her journey with Event Head. She was working in a similar industry to me and something about her passion and enthusiasm just jumped off the page and I knew I had to do a coaching series with her!

    Our coaching series started at a great time as I was ready to launch my business, so I was hoping coaching would help consolidate all my ideas and help me do that.

    I was very excited and very ready to get started! I was nervous yet I think more excited than anything else.

    Coaching has given me the confidence, direction and guidance I needed to start my dream business. It provided me with support and someone who could listen and help me organise my thoughts and ideas in a tangible way.

    I loved that the sessions were flexible so we could discuss what was relevant to my business at that time. Yet I also felt we covered all the basics.

    I felt that Jade was extremely generous with her time.

    Coaching with Jade was inspirational, informative and fun! I thank Jade from the bottom of my heart for the guidance and support she gave me through our coaching series.

    It has been an incredible journey for me that has not only seen my business come to life but has seen me change in ways I couldn't have imagined.

    I haven’t met someone like Jade before. She is a beautiful balance of wise, calm and caring, with a fun quirky sense of humor thrown in and tonnes of passion and determination.

    She knows her stuff and from day one I always felt as if she had my back through our coaching and believed in me and my business.

  • I was struggling with some overwhelm with everything I needed to do, and how I should go about it all.

    I really connected with Jade during the BYCA course and could see that she was creating a beautiful soul and heart fuelled business that was seriously successful, and I loved her energy. She is such an inspiration!

    I hadn't actually worked with a coach before but having a dedicated business coach really is a must for those who are wanting to take their business to the next level.

    I was so sad to go into our final session together. I wish I could have coaching with Jade forever, however, I feel I have the tools and the strategies in place to continue to grow my coaching and energy healing practice.

    Coaching has given me a lot of confidence and insight and the whole experience was loving, focused and strategic.

    Jade is the most loving and caring coach but is also seriously business minded and honest.

    A perfect combination to take your business to the next level.

  • When I first connected with Jade, I had just decided that I would like to put on an event. I was struggling with moving forward in my business, so I decided to take a different approach and do something new to give me momentum and build confidence. I have skills in facilitation so I decided on a workshop for women. I knew that I would not be able to 'go it alone,' and the support and guidance that coaching would provide would be well worth the expense. Turns out, I was right :)

    I knew that Jade's coaching would be what I was looking for - someone who had the knowledge and experience to guide me, and that could keep me on track. I was excited, but still nervous that I wouldn't follow through and that I would let both myself and my coach down. I guess that I had just 'dived in' and I wasn't trying to think too much about the bigger picture. In our first session I was hoping that Jade would either 1) encourage me to go forward OR 2) Say that I was crazy and I should forget it. I'm not sure which one I had hoped for more, but the latter response was definitely out of fear of myself not following through and then being disappointed (it's much easier for someone else to tell you not to do it).

    Coaching gave me support, knowledge, new ideas and accountability. When I was working on things I knew I wasn't just working on them for myself, I was working on them to show to Jade as well so that kept me moving forward - even if my brain was screaming 'what the hell am I doing!?'. I felt it all flowed really nicely and that our sessions were productive and not too 'fluffy!' We really seemed to get everything done that we needed to, stayed on task and the outcome was fabulous!

    Coaching with Jade was fun, supportive, enlightening and empowering. I am thankful for Jade’s support, guidance, knowledge and friendship. I felt that she was always there for me and available when I emailed. If I needed her to look over a document, or give me advice on my venue negotiations, it never felt like it was too much for her. It made me feel like I was in a very safe space.

    I don't think I would have been able to pull this off without her! The level of confidence and experience it has given me going forward is priceless. Thank you!

  • When I first connected with Jade I was completely overwhelmed and frozen. I was at the very start of setting things up for my business and trying to do a lot of things at once. I felt like I had a hundred balls in the air and couldn't keep them there much longer. I really wanted to drop – no - throw the balls away!!

    I needed someone to talk to and support me, as well as get really clear and hold me accountable. I also needed help navigating my way through the start of my business and Jade delivered! My expectations were exceeded and Jade’s coaching gave me a sense of calm and the feeling that I can do this. Jade is an angel and has helped me at one of the most pivotal moments of my career. THANK YOU!

  • When I first found Jade something instantly lit up within me. I knew I needed to work with her. I wanted to transform my blog into a business and one of the ways I wanted to do that was through workshops and events. I just needed some help getting to that place.

    Once I weighed up finances, timing and such, i just decided to go for it. I have been held back in the past by fear but I knew this was my time to start stepping out. I had never worked with a coach before so to be honest I didn't have many expectations. What I did expect though was to be mentored and guided through the process of building a business which I think Jade helped me to achieve perfectly.

    I now have more drive, motivation and I would dare say even more discipline. Building a business us tough work but I achieved so much within only 3 months of working together, which has spurred me on to keep it up and I absolutely love what I'm doing. Thank you Jade so much for supporting me and guiding me through the last 3 months. I know I made the right choice in working with you as my coach. I can't believe how much we achieved together!

  • When I first connected with Jade I was stuck in procrastination because I was overwhelmed and didn't know how to move forward, so just did nothing instead. I knew that I wanted to recreate my core program on body image, but I had no idea where to even start or what it would look like. I wanted to be able to just move forward with everything. I had massive goals and I wanted to impact the world with positive body image, but I felt like my feet were stuck in concrete and it was paralyzing and frustrating.

    I decided to say yes to coaching with Jade because when I looked at her website I knew immediately that this was the person who was going to help memove forward. Then we had a discovery call and everything fell into place.

    Going into our first session I felt EXCITED!!!!!!!!!! And I felt like that in EVERY SESSION! Because I knew that this was the person that would kick

    my butt and move me and my business forward. I always knew that Jade had my back and that she would steer me in the right direction!

    Coaching with Jade has given me CONFIDENCE! Self-belief and it has guided me to really lean into and re-define the market I want to serve. It has given me confidence to believe in myself and help ground me to the belief that my message is needed, and also to believe in my program and how to market it. Jade helped me believe that ANYTHING was possible, and then she showed me how to do it.

    Jade laid it out in black and white, eg. to launch you need to do this on this week, the next week, the week after etc. I never felt dumb or stupid asking questions, because Jade is real. No matter how small or dumb a question, Jade gave me the real answer without laughing "at me" (only with me!!), and without the b/s. I only wish I had booked Jade for four months instead of three!

    Coaching with Jade is 100% the best decision and investment I have made in my business to date. I needed somebody to "hold my hand" through those initial months to move me forward, to show me the path, and I couldn't have asked for a better coach to do that with.

    Jade is completely supportive, understanding, real and honest. Thank you, it was truly inspirational, I completely loved working with you and can't wait to again in the not too distant future.

  • When I first connected with Jade I was looking for better time management and focus on the business. I was also planning my first event and wanted support to bring that to life. I decided to work with Jade because I was looking for was someone who understood my journey and could help me keep on track. I felt that I connected with Jade on a number of levels and she just got the journey I am on. I am a big believer in coaching and have worked with a few coaches before in a corporate context, so I was hoping for a bit more of a personal connection.

    Coaching has helped me to re-align myself with my purpose. It is easy for the day job and responsibilities to get in the way of starting up a business andfollowing your passion. It helped me to continually re-connent and re-focus. The insights into events management and starting up a business have been valuable. I feel I now have a good foundation to build upon.

    I would describe my coaching experience as focused, personable and enjoyable. I have really enjoyed working with Jade. The insights shared for someone who is starting outwas invaluable. Jade has a warm and friendly approach and is very generous with her time and knowledge, which is just what I needed.

  • I feel so lucky to have worked with Jade.

    Starting my new little business, I was looking for someone to help guide me through all the things I didn't know I'd need to know, and get my scrambled head in order.

    Jade was excellent at helping me arrange my thoughts, focus on what was important and needed to come first, and I so appreciated having her as a sounding board after receiving smatterings of advice from all and sundry that didn't feel quite right.

    During our coaching series, my direction and the timing of launching was hugely impacted by various external factors, and this meant we had to change tack from early on.

    In spite of this, Jade's coaching met me right where I needed it to, and although we had to tone down the vision for the series, it meant I had quality coaching for where I was at during this time.

    Jade is an excellent cheerleader, with an intuitive understanding of when to put the pressure on, and when it needs to come off. I can't recommend working with her enough.


Coaching includes

++ A free 20 minute initial consultation to determine if we are a great fit for each other ++

++ A thought provoking pre-coaching questionnaire ++

++ 6 x 60 minute Zoom sessions over 3 months ++

++ 1 x bonus 30 minute debrief at the end of our coaching series ++

++ Asana project board and support in-between sessions ++



// Declarations of the Heart eBook + Playbook Dive deep into your heart and discover the jewels that lie beneath

// What is Your Why mini course 5 questions to help you find your business purpose and define outcomes

// Home eBook + Playbook An exercise in coming home to you



60 minute consults available for $220

90 minute consults available for $300



I’m ready to answer them! Email me at hello(at)jademckenzie.me or book in a complimentary 20 minute consult to talk about what you are looking to achieve.


It's time for you to be in the spotlight lovely. Turn those ideas into actions and those dreams into reality. Go make yourself proud!

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Before working with Jade, I was just getting into the swing of things after recently launching my business and felt as thought I was lacking in the self-confidence area. I knew I wanted to start hosting events, but I was terrified of public speaking. I also wanted to build my clientele and though I was fortunate to already be working with clients, I felt as though I wasn't doing a good enough job of getting my name out there.

I said yes to coaching with Jade because I absolutely adore her. I fell in love with not only her brand and what she stands for, but her energy and how compassionate and genuine she was towards the people around her and how she ran her business.

I had worked with a coach and because I am a coach, I have pretty high expectations of the people I want to work with. I think there are a lot of business coaches out there but what drew me to Jade was her energy, passion for what she does, and that she created a welcoming and supportive environment where I felt safe and open to discuss my fears and vulnerabilities. Going into our first session together I felt excited! SO EXCITED! I had been waiting for close to a year to work with her and I that point I felt like I already knew her.

Coaching with Jade has given me more confidence! And when you are in your first year of business, that's so important. I put so much pressure on myself and she helped me to celebrate all of the work I had done, all of my major accomplishments, how to keep stepping outside of my comfort zone, and all the while reminding me that it's okay if not everything works to plan, that's what business is. It can be messy, but the strength comes from continuing to push yourself and showing up each and every day, and reminding yourself it's for a bigger purpose - and that's to help your clients.

I would describe my experience coaching with Jade as amazing, rewarding, and inspiring! Jade is just so INCREDIBLE!!! I loved the Beautiful Business Companion and that is certainly something I will be going back to time and time again. It opened up my eyes to a lot of things that seemed simple but you would just never remember to think about when starting your business.

I consider myself to be a fairly optimistic and positive person, but even on the days when I was having a hard day, I looked forward to most out of anything - speaking with Jade. She was the perfect combination of lovingly supportive while providing me with the sort of "tough love" approach that I needed, when I needed it.

After working with a few coaches, what meant so much to me was how real, genuine and authentic Jade was. So thank you, thank you, thank you for providing such an uplifting and encouraging environment - it helped not only with my business, but also with a challenging period of time in my personal life as well, and though it might have seemed like I just hired Jade as my business coach, she was such a positive light in my life in some challenging moments as well and I will be forever grateful for that. Jade is SO wonderful and I can't wait to connect with her again!!


When I first connected with Jade I was trying to create some momentum in my business and a direction of moving forward. I decided to say “YES!” to coaching because I was called to and simply couldn't say no, plus I had seen Jade in action at Beautiful You and loved her vibe and success in business. I had worked with coaches before, so my expectations were that it would be amazing and it was! Coaching with Jade has given me direction in my business that I hadn't had before. It was my time to give it my best shot and discover if this was what I was meant to be pursuing. I would my describe my coaching experience as powerful, accountable and heartfelt. Thank you Jade for the gift of your wisdom, heart and knowledge, combined they create a beautiful coaching experience. I am ever so grateful for discovering you to walk beside me to learn what I needed most for not only my business but myself! TRACEY GILLIS-SINCLAIR

When I first connected with Jade I was trying to create some momentum in my business and a direction of moving forward. I decided to say “YES!” to coaching because I was called to and simply couldn't say no, plus I had seen Jade in action at Beautiful You and loved her vibe and success in business. I had worked with coaches before, so my expectations were that it would be amazing and it was! Coaching with Jade has given me direction in my business that I hadn't had before. It was my time to give it my best shot and discover if this was what I was meant to be pursuing. I would my describe my coaching experience as powerful, accountable and heartfelt. Thank you Jade for the gift of your wisdom, heart and knowledge, combined they create a beautiful coaching experience. I am ever so grateful for discovering you to walk beside me to learn what I needed most for not only my business but myself! TRACEY GILLIS-SINCLAIR

Jade is an exceptional business strategist who immediately understood my business and me. She held a vision for me that I had not even dared to dream. I had worked with a coach before, but what I didn't expect was such a hands on personal approach together with a bundle of resources to support the sessions. Through being coached by Jade in my business, I also learnt how to be a better coach myself. After coaching with Jade I have come away with some fabulous ideas about expansion in my business, some that I had never thought of. I found the confidence to increase my fees, to ask for the ultimate speaking gig and up my coaching game. Working with Jade empowered me to go out and ask for what I wanted. By the end of the series I had been given a prime speaking gig within my industry and started developing a high end mastermind, two services I hadn't even thought of incorporating into my business. With Jade's support and encouragement I met all the goals we set at the start of the series without overwhelm or stress. I would describe my coaching experience with Jade as inspiring, confidence building and empowering. CINDY TAYLOR

Jade is an exceptional business strategist who immediately understood my business and me. She held a vision for me that I had not even dared to dream. I had worked with a coach before, but what I didn't expect was such a hands on personal approach together with a bundle of resources to support the sessions. Through being coached by Jade in my business, I also learnt how to be a better coach myself. After coaching with Jade I have come away with some fabulous ideas about expansion in my business, some that I had never thought of. I found the confidence to increase my fees, to ask for the ultimate speaking gig and up my coaching game. Working with Jade empowered me to go out and ask for what I wanted. By the end of the series I had been given a prime speaking gig within my industry and started developing a high end mastermind, two services I hadn't even thought of incorporating into my business. With Jade's support and encouragement I met all the goals we set at the start of the series without overwhelm or stress. I would describe my coaching experience with Jade as inspiring, confidence building and empowering. CINDY TAYLOR

I feel so lucky to have worked with Jade. Starting my new little business, I was looking for someone to help guide me through all the things I didn't know I'd need to know, and get my scrambled head in order. Jade was excellent at helping me arrange my thoughts, focus on what was important and needed to come first, and I so appreciated having her as a sounding board after receiving smatterings of advice from all and sundry that didn't feel quite right. During our coaching series, my direction and the timing of launching was hugely impacted by various external factors, and this meant we had to change tack from early on. In spite of this, Jade's coaching met me right where I needed it to, and although we had to tone down the vision for the series, it meant I had quality coaching for where I was at during this time. Jade is an excellent cheerleader, with an intuitive understanding of when to put the pressure on, and when it needs to come off. I can't recommend working with her enough. BEC COLDICUTT

I feel so lucky to have worked with Jade. Starting my new little business, I was looking for someone to help guide me through all the things I didn't know I'd need to know, and get my scrambled head in order. Jade was excellent at helping me arrange my thoughts, focus on what was important and needed to come first, and I so appreciated having her as a sounding board after receiving smatterings of advice from all and sundry that didn't feel quite right. During our coaching series, my direction and the timing of launching was hugely impacted by various external factors, and this meant we had to change tack from early on. In spite of this, Jade's coaching met me right where I needed it to, and although we had to tone down the vision for the series, it meant I had quality coaching for where I was at during this time. Jade is an excellent cheerleader, with an intuitive understanding of when to put the pressure on, and when it needs to come off. I can't recommend working with her enough. BEC COLDICUTT